Thursday 22 March 2012

Relentlessly upbeat!

Hey check out my funky new blog template!  It was pointed out to me that the previous one was a bit too blue and a bit too dull so I had a chat with my PR and Communications Manager (Dad) and he's sexed it up a bit.  I'm liking the pink a lot!

As promised this blog post will be 100% unashamedly positive - even the negatives will be positive.  This is a glass half full zone today so here are my top ten reasons why I'm the luckiest little girl alive...
  1. I'm alive.
  2. There are approximately 150 people who's job it is to make sure I stay that way.
  3. I seem to have landed into a very functional dysfunctional family consisting of two unmarried parents, a bother, a half-sister and two half-brothers. 
  4. Despite all the bother I've caused, they all seem to love me unconditionally.
  5. Even though I've only met five people in my whole life who don't work for the NHS, there are hundreds of people who are praying for me and sending me positive messages.
  6. I'm half scouse!
  7. ... and half tyke (someone from Yorkshire!)
  8. I dress only in a nappy which means that I don't waste a single moment of my life worrying about what to wear. (I'm sure there will be plenty of time to fret about fashion later but for now I don't give a monkeys.)
  9. Every hour, on the hour, someone comes along and feeds me.
  10. I won £3.7 million on the mid-week lottery last night. 
OK, I made that last one up but who cares!
In other news, I've decided to start my own 'non-medical term dictionary'.  Today one of the nurses told Dad that what she thought I needed was some 'titivation'!  Having thought this one through I think the dictionary entry would be:

Titivation: (medical) n Try out lots of different random treatments on a pre-term baby in the vague hope that one of them might work.

I have to say I'm very much looking forward to being titivated.

Talking of random treatments I mentioned the other day that Dad was going to bring in some olive oil to rub into my skin... well he did, and he made a right old mess of it!  Being a bloke he didn't bother to ask for any detailed instructions.  No, he thought it would be a much better idea to wait until no-one was looking then surreptitiously open the drawer below my incubator, stick his forefinger into the pot of olive oil, then glug it straight onto my belly!

The Muppet totally over-estimated the amount of olive oil required, despite the fact that he keeps banging on about how small I am!  Realising that it wasn't really being absorbed into my skin at the forecasted rate, and panicking that I would slide down the mattress and out of the incubator completely he searched frantically in the drawer for something to wipe it off with.  The only thing he could find was a packet of cotton wool balls so he took one of those and started to wipe the oil of my tummy.  It sort of worked to begin with but then he noticed that the cotton wool was shredding leaving a fine coating of fluff stuck to me.

With panic rising he grabbed Jemima Puddleduck and wiped off as much as he could - replacing her at the end of the incubator just as the nurse came back alongside.  I think he got away with it but it was close shave.

OK that's it from me tonight.  I know you want to know how I'm doing so in the spirit of positive blogging I'm going to say 'Just fine'!

Hugs and kisses

Poppy Lola xxx

1 comment:

  1. It has been pointed out to me that due to an editorial error (Dad!!) I have labelled poor Charlie as a 'bother' rather than a 'brother'! Whilst I'm sure he will indeed be a bother at some point in the future, I wish to make it clear that at no point so far has he been a bother in any way. I am happy to apologise for any offence caused.
