Monday 12 March 2012

I can breathe!!

Groundhog day... (day 12)

Mummy arrived first at the hospital this morning.  Daddy wanted to catch up on his e-mails and check his sales stats. Honestly, I'm stuck in here on a ventilator and he's worried about holiday sales!

Talking of ventilators I heard them talking about taking me off it again earlier today - they even put that C-PAP machine next to my incubator so it would be ready.  I tried my best to look a bit ropey but they didn't fall for it this time and at seven this evening... they TOOK ME OFF THE VENTILATOR!  It appears to be the case that I am now breathing for myself.  It won't last.  I'll get tired.  I'm telling you, I'll be back on that ventilator before morning!

To try to make it easier for me I was given my second blood transfusion today so I'm feeling tickety-boo.  I feel like a drug cheat!  Only problem is, my Billyrubin levels will shoot up again and they'll have to put me back under the blue light.  I don't mind though.  I'll get to wear the blindfold again so I can pretend I've been upgraded by BA.

Oh!  Before I forget... more good news!  The blood tests came back early and I don't have any infections.  I knew I was OK but it's hard to communicate with a clear plastic tube down your throat!

In other news, Mummy and Daddy are becoming quite competitive about who's 'qualified' to feed me.  Before they're allowed to come at me with a syringe full of milk they have to observe the nurse three times.  Dad was winning (he did three goes back to back on Sunday) but Mum shot into the lead today and even managed to perform one unassisted feed on me! Go mum!!

Mummy has also asked me to point out that she is also way ahead on the nappy change front (4 - 0)!
Clarke's would still charge £39.99 for a pair of shoes!
Dad's been photo shopping pictures again to try to show how small I am.  This time it's the old 'footprints and fifty pence piece' composition.  Ask yourself... how would you like it...?

Anyway, let's see how tonight goes.  If I'm still on this C-PAP in the morning there's gonna be some serious high-fiving going on in this ward!

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